The Power of Protein For Fat Loss

Make no mistake about it; protein is the key metabolic currency of your body. In other words, it drives virtually all aspects of metabolism. The secret to getting lean is replacing some of the carbohydrates in your diet with protein that is low in saturated fat.

Numerous studies have shown that simply by replacing the majority of starch carbohydrates and processed sugars in your diet with protein, people can create fat loss even without changes in their energy expenditure through exercise. There is no denying the metabolic effect protein has on your body.

Your objective is to condition your body to use more protein and gradually replace your cravings and dependency on starch carbohydrates and sugars. This can be accomplished by eating more protein from both plant and animal sources. I've personally found it to be extremely difficult relying solely on these sources which is why I recommend protein supplementation.

It's a good idea to include protein powders as a way to increase your metabolism. The most successful dieters incorporate protein powder into one or more meals per day.
Here are some simple ways you can use protein powder in your diet.

• Add a scoop of protein powder to your oatmeal
• Add a scoop of protein powder to low fat yogurt or cottage cheese
• Add a scoop or two of protein powder to ½ cup frozen fruit, water, yogurt, and ice for a smoothie.
• Add a scoop or two of protein powder to water or unsweetened almond milk for a shake.
• Add a scoop or two of protein powder to your favorite casserole or other recipe

Facts on protein
• Protein is the most thermic (heat producing) macronutrient burning 4-5 times more calories during digestion than carbohydrates.
• Protein helps suppress hunger better than even starch carbohydrates and fats.
• Protein is the primary nutrient responsible for building lean muscle.
• Insufficient protein intake effects bone cell synthesis, red blood cell production, and immune system function.
• Increased protein consumption can help promote growth hormone release in the body leading to lean muscle development and fat burning.

As you probably already know fish, lean red meat, chicken, turkey, nuts, legumes, and eggs are the most widely recommended choices for dietary protein. While these are all excellent choices I believe the typical dieter trying to burn body fat should consume around 1/3 of their daily protein from supplemental protein sources. The reason is I've found the average individual with a busy lifestyle will simply not eat enough protein from whole foods to support lean muscle development.

I'm all about finding what works best with your busy lifestyle and not pushing some idealistic philosophy you probably won't follow. The reality is most people probably won't eat a chicken breast at 10:00AM so what can you do? A supplemental protein shake or quality meal replacement simply works best.

If you'll eat the four ounces of tuna fish and piece of fruit at your mid-morning snack that's great, but if you can't stay consistent with that kind of strategy you should look to use supplemental protein powder. That handful of nuts and a few crackers won't cut it for supporting lean muscle development.
I'm a firm believer in the importance of increasing lean muscle tissue when looking to lose body fat. The nutritional strategies I endorse will always be highly favorable for lean muscle development.

Post Workout Protein Requirements
You'll need a modest amount of essential amino acids available through out the day if you want to support muscle and burn fat. This is especially true "post-workout" when protein synthesis is required much faster than you could manage by eating whole foods.

By the time you digested and assimilated the protein from whole foods a significant amount of cellular recovery would be lost. It is extremely important that you provide your body with the right nutrients following a high intensity resistance workout in order to begin the recovery process in the muscles.

Resistance training breaks the muscles down which is the first step in creating lean muscle development. The recovery process is equally important and is dictated by proper nutrition and rest. If you want faster results you must give your body every advantage you can on improving recovery.
The best way to do this in my experience is to drink a protein shake immediately after your workout with the right ratios of protein. Not just any type of protein and not just in any amount.

My recommendation is whey isolate because it has the highest amount of essential and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA's) while also being the fastest protein to be assimilated by your body.
There is some variance in opinions on the amount of carbohydrates and protein you should consume but I have found that a good rule of thumb is to consume around 20-30 grams of protein and very little to no carbohydrates immediately following a high intensity resistance workout if you're overweight.

Carbohydrate loading post-workout should be reserved for those who are already lean or for individuals finishing long-duration endurance type events or workouts.
Post workout protein should not exceed 20-30 grams as too much protein is counterproductive. Excess protein will promote the release of glucagons (which is the antagonist of insulin). Since insulin is needed to shuttle the glycogen and amino acids into the muscle cells you'll need it to do its job during this important time.

Stay away from protein shakes and drinks that contain more than 20-30 grams of protein. You'll be much better off with a lesser amount as your body simply can't assimilate and use that much protein at one time.

Any way you go about it, just look to increase your protein consumption and you'll be on your way to better weight loss results.
Shane Doll is a certified personal trainer, fat loss expert, speaker, and founder of Shaping Concepts, a personal fitness training studio that specializes in Charleston weight loss programs for body transformation. To learn more about the strategies he uses to help clients lose weight and get in shape visit You can also download his free e-book "The Lean Code Method Quick Start Nutrition Guide."
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