Low Calories In Watermelon Safe For Losing Weight

By Arold Augustin

When planning on a safe and effective diet, the low calories in watermelon would be a great help. Watermelons belong to the melon fruit family and can be eaten as it is and its rind can be pickled, stewed or stir-fried. This is usually made into smoothies or juice by many though. With more than a thousand of varieties available, you have ample options to find what will suit your taste.

With two cups of this wonder fruit has low caloric count at forty six, and with less than 0.25g of fat and 11.6g of carbohydrates, is quite lower than most. This is quite low also in saturated fat and cholesterol but high in amino acids making it heart-healthy. As dehydration can be deadly in dieting, its 92% water content makes sure such occurrence will be prevented.

A lot of benefits will be reaped from eating or drinking watermelons. Essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, Vit. A, B1, B6 and C are renowned in upholding a healthy heart, relief of muscle cramps and inflammation, and in improving digestion. When this is combined with green tea, men's risk of developing prostate cancer will be reduced.

Many people today are into watermelon diet to lose weight. Some also include this on their meal program to balance their intake. Some weight watchers usually indulge in a two-week diet program eating only this to lose weight. When thinking of doing so, make sure to consult a doctor beforehand.

If you are given a thumbs up by your doctor, including this in your diet regimen could be done in many ways. For easier eating, cut it into chunks. For liquid feel, use a blender or juicer to make juice or turn it into a luscious smoothie. Preserve freshness by putting it in your fridge.

Weight loss results from this diet have been proven effective by many. But for interested people who cannot find anything fresh in stores near them can also make use of all-natural supplements in either liquid or powder form. Truly, achieving one's desired objective is viable with the low calories in watermelon.

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