The Amount Of Calories In Pineapple And Its Benefits

By Arold Augustin

Some people wind up feeling confused whenever they try to incorporate healthy eating with the task of eating fruit. This is usually due to some fear involved when in regards to the amount of sugar found in certain types, which may lead to a higher amount of calories. This tends to be the case with the calories in pineapple as well, which some people automatically assume will be high due to the fruit's natural sweetness.

Pineapple can be a wonderfully nutritious and tasty snack for adults and children alike. However, due to its amount of sweetness, it's often something that doesn't get a lot of hype these days. Even so, this particular kind of fruit is packed with several nutritious vitamins and minerals.

This fruit is often considered a great source of manganese and vitamin C. Although people typically get in plenty of vitamin C in their daily diet, many tend to neglect their daily amount of manganese. Fortunately, pineapple offers 128% of the recommended value in a single cup. It's also rich in copper, fiber, vitamin B1, and iron.

Generally, the number of calories that you'll find in this delicious-tasting fruit will vary on the manner in which you prefer to eat it. Some people may prefer it fresh and in its natural form. However, it's also quite common for people to prefer individual cup servings, or even types that come straight from the can.

To gain the most benefit from the fruit, it may help to check any labels involved. It's common for brands to vary in the nutritional value they provide in their version of this fruit. This will usually vary the most with single-serving options and canned variations, depending on the type.

If you prefer the fruit from the can or similar, it's usually good to watch out for the sugar content involved. Syrup is usually added to help preserve the fruit and add flavor; however, this can be problematic for those who are trying to watch what they eat. This is why it may help to choose one that comes in a light syrup or water, as well as to eat it in moderation.

Even though the nutritional value in canned or single serving options can vary, 83 calories in pineapple, served raw, can be found in a cup. Since there is plenty of fiber involved, many find that a cup or so can be filling as well as tasty. Because the fruit comes with a glycemic index of 66, diabetics may want to avoid delving into this treat on its own. Instead, it may help to slow the digestive process of the sugars involved by eating it with a dish that has plenty of protein. For those who want to try it in dishes, things like yogurt, various desserts, burgers, and pizzas can be great choices.

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