One of the oldest and most commonly used methods of healing in China is acupuncture. This technique has quickly spread into developed world as a result of globalization and information asymmetry. This technique is built upon the belief that the body comprises of channels in which energy flows. Tension, pain and illness occur in the body due to blockages in the channels of energy. According to the traditional healers, insertion of needles in strategic areas can unblock the flow of energy thus curing patients. The use and implementation of Smithtown acupuncture faces a lot of hurdles in the modern world.
Some of the minor complaints expressed by patients after acupuncture include; dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, headaches and hot flushes. This are all attributed to the reaction of the body to having foreign objects. Many healers acknowledge these side effects and term them as normal effects of the treatment. The analogy of a kinked hose pipe is used to explain the buildup of pressure and the discomfort experienced after treatment.
In some uncommon cases, treatment may result in pneumothorax. This refers to a medical condition where the lungs collapse. The patient is unable to breathe and may result in suffocation. Fast action through cardiopulmonary resuscitation is required to save the lives of the diseased person. In cases where the kiss of life fails, a tube may be used to re-inflate the lungs.
Another common risk is the chance of infection. Since this alternative form of medicine involves inserting needles through the skin, there is a chance of infection with bacteria. This could lead to even bigger problems than anticipated. Some unscrupulous practitioners reuse needles thus exposing patients to the risk of infection with other diseases such as hepatitis. Some studies indicate that nearly thirty percent of needles are recycled in such clinics due to the high cost of steel needles.
This method of healing faces the problem of lack of scientific evidence. The claims made by traditional healers are brushed off as lacking basis or proof. The method has in some extreme cases been likened to the use of occult power to heal diseases.
Another major hurdle to the advancement of this alternative form of healing is the lack of a reputable regulatory body. The country lacks a decent body, mandated by the department of health to regulate provision of alternative medicine. Furthermore, there is a lot of irregularity in provision of services.
Due to the fact that specialists do not learn this art from the same source, there is a great variation in interpretation and analysis of diseases. Patients face the problem of diagnosis variability as they shift from one physician to the other. Furthermore, it is hard to tell apart the healers who are adequately trained from the quacks in this business.
Before embarking on any mode of Smithtown acupuncture, it is necessary to take necessary precautions. Have a talk with your regular doctor regarding the benefits and ills of this type of treatment. Conduct a wide internet search to find the reputable clinics. Talking to friends and relatives who have previously undertaken such care could also provide useful insights.
Some of the minor complaints expressed by patients after acupuncture include; dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, headaches and hot flushes. This are all attributed to the reaction of the body to having foreign objects. Many healers acknowledge these side effects and term them as normal effects of the treatment. The analogy of a kinked hose pipe is used to explain the buildup of pressure and the discomfort experienced after treatment.
In some uncommon cases, treatment may result in pneumothorax. This refers to a medical condition where the lungs collapse. The patient is unable to breathe and may result in suffocation. Fast action through cardiopulmonary resuscitation is required to save the lives of the diseased person. In cases where the kiss of life fails, a tube may be used to re-inflate the lungs.
Another common risk is the chance of infection. Since this alternative form of medicine involves inserting needles through the skin, there is a chance of infection with bacteria. This could lead to even bigger problems than anticipated. Some unscrupulous practitioners reuse needles thus exposing patients to the risk of infection with other diseases such as hepatitis. Some studies indicate that nearly thirty percent of needles are recycled in such clinics due to the high cost of steel needles.
This method of healing faces the problem of lack of scientific evidence. The claims made by traditional healers are brushed off as lacking basis or proof. The method has in some extreme cases been likened to the use of occult power to heal diseases.
Another major hurdle to the advancement of this alternative form of healing is the lack of a reputable regulatory body. The country lacks a decent body, mandated by the department of health to regulate provision of alternative medicine. Furthermore, there is a lot of irregularity in provision of services.
Due to the fact that specialists do not learn this art from the same source, there is a great variation in interpretation and analysis of diseases. Patients face the problem of diagnosis variability as they shift from one physician to the other. Furthermore, it is hard to tell apart the healers who are adequately trained from the quacks in this business.
Before embarking on any mode of Smithtown acupuncture, it is necessary to take necessary precautions. Have a talk with your regular doctor regarding the benefits and ills of this type of treatment. Conduct a wide internet search to find the reputable clinics. Talking to friends and relatives who have previously undertaken such care could also provide useful insights.
About the Author:
You can visit the website for more helpful information about Key Disadvantages Of Smithtown Acupuncture
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