How To Effectively Treat Gingivitis

By Lela Perkins

Gingivitis is experienced by 3 out of 4 individuals aged thirty-five or older. It is a gum disease characterized by bad breath, bleeding gums, and red or irritated tissue. Fortunately, in most cases it can be prevented or reversed when it is caught early. Caring for one's teeth properly is one of the best ways to prevent this condition. The following are several ways to treat gingivitis if it develops:

The symptoms of gingivitis can sometimes be alleviated by consuming herbal teas. However, not all teas are the same. The best choices if one's goal is to alleviate the symptoms of gum inflammation are myrrh, green, or echinacea tea. Certain consumers also add oils such as clover or caraway to the brew for an extra dose of anti-inflammatory properties.

Gingivitis can also be controlled to some degree by adding supplements to one's diet. Recent studies have found that vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, calcium, and bioflavonoids contain properties that may positively affect gum inflammation. Vitamin shops and local grocery stores typically carry such supplements, or they can be purchased online.

Recently, the US FDA approved certain types of mouthwash solutions for those suffering from gingivitis. However, a doctor or dentist must write a prescription before one can obtain such formulas. Mouthwashes of this type work by creating a barrier on the person's teeth that prevents the buildup of plaque. The patient's dentist can inform him or her whether or not the use of such products are wise course of action, and this will largely depend on the individual's symptoms.

Certain types of the disorder are treated with topical steroids. Generally speaking, such medications are not prescribed unless severe inflammation has occurred. However, such ointments are sometimes used to treat moderate cases also. Symptoms typically subside within one month of consistent use of the ointment. If all other avenues of treatment fail, oral steroids may be prescribed.

Following an anti-inflammatory diet is sometimes helpful with regard to alleviating the symptoms of the aforementioned disorder. Anti-inflammatory foods include cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. In addition, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and spices such as garlic and ginger also have anti-inflammatory properties. However, it is always wise to speak to a family doctor before beginning a new diet.

Those who want to prevent diseases of the gums should floss regularly. This is because one's risk of developing the disease increases when plaque is allowed to build up on his or her teeth and gums. Ideally, daily flossing is recommended, but to lower one's risk even further, he or she should floss twice a day.

An excellent way to prevent all types of gum disease is to schedule regular checkups and cleanings with a medical professional who can evaluate the condition of one's mouth. Such professionals are familiar with ways to treat gingivitis if it develops. Patients who think they may have this disorder or any other gum disease should seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner or dentist at once.

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