3 Great Fruit Juices By Staten Island Pediatrics

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

What are some of the most recommended beverages that those in Staten Island pediatrics will endorse? Water is arguably the most important; suffice to say, it's crucial for the purpose of maintaining a high degree of life. Did you know, though, that there are certain types of fruit juice that are nutritious in their own ways? Seeing as how nutrients and the like can vary from one option to the next, I believe attention should be brought to these 3 strong choices.

Orange juice is easily one of the most recognizable options, according to medical authorities such as GPM Pediatrics. It can also be argued that orange juice is among the most accessible, which means that it is very easy for one to get their hands on. With a few different nutrients to consider, the most common tied to orange juice has to be vitamin C. To say that those who specialize in Staten Island pediatrics endorse the usage of orange juice would be nothing short of an understatement.

Grape juice, while less common by comparison, is no less important than orange juice. In fact, given that daily consumption of grape juice may lower cholesterol, one can argue that this particular option is better in certain regards. In addition, grape juice can work to protect the heart overall, which only accentuates the importance of this beverage. While the taste itself may be a bit sweeter than you would expect, one cannot argue with the dietary benefits that grape juice is able to bring.

Cranberry juice is another potential option, provided you aren't against the comparatively bitter taste of the beverage in question. One of the ways that this type of juice can come into effect is to help maintain a normal degree of blood flow, which is integral for the human body. In addition, it's worth noting that repeated consumption of cranberry juice throughout one's life can decrease the risk of blood clots. For these reasons, it's difficult to overlook the benefits associated with a glass of cranberry juice.

Keep in mind, though, that there are other choices which you can benefit from. Fruit juice comes in many types, as you can very well imagine, and you want to make sure that you are getting as many vitamins and nutrients as possible from each of them. The aforementioned options are simply those that I find myself enjoying the most, in addition to the ones I believe to be the most common. Keep these choices in mind and you'll start to see how much better off your diet can be.

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