Why Employer Should Consider Conducting A Pre Employment Drug Test West Virginia

By Mayra Pierce

Employees need to consider screening workers before they hire them as it helps get the right candidates who can help in growth of the businesses. Often, employers in Beckley, WV make an uninformed decision to screen workers after they hire them, and while this may not be a bad idea, it allows the employer to let in some bad workers who find their way into the workforce. A pre employment drug test West Virginia will help employers keep off from the bad workers.

Workers who engage in drug use subject employers and other workers to a lot of losses. Accidents can occur where employees are indulging in drug use something that can contribute to higher number of claims. Since insurance companies are in business and do not want to suffer losses, whenever they discover an employer is associated with many accidents and claims, they will revise the premiums rates and increase them.

Safety of employees is paramount if you want to create a conducive working environment. Workers who indulge in drug use are likely to cause accidents that cost businesses a lot of money. Work related accidents are costly to bear and in most cases the compensations will impact on financial well-being of a business.

Lawsuits associated with injuries at work will stretch the insurance premium rates. Insurers do not want to incur losses from compensations and when a business records increased cases of accidents from drugs, it results to higher premium payments. The businesses are compelled to dig deeper into their financial kit to cater for such compensations through premiums they pay to insurers. Also, a workplace that is prone to accidents brings about tainted image for the company.

Moreover, workers who use illegal substances may have a bad relationship with customers. It is painful for a business to lose customers, which it has retained for many years. It takes a lot of effort and cost to bring in new customers and it even takes more effort to retain them. The moment you lose those loyal customers, you will not only suffer losses but also the customer base will reduce.

Since you do not want to lose those customers you have retained for a long time, it is better to take measures to bar the bad workers from joining your team. Moreover, when workers use these substances, they are likely to cause financial constrains in businesses. First, they will absent themselves from work and secondly, they will cause injuries or even death to themselves or the other employees through accidents. The workers may also feel unsafe and not happy with the workplace.

When OSHA inspectors come to your business premises, they will find mistakes, which may cost you a lot in fines. You can avert such mishaps by ensuring that you only pick candidates who are responsible and do not use drugs. A drugs free workplace enhances harmony and reduces conflicts in workplace.

A wrangled workforce can be a total mess because there is no coordination and teamwork. Most of the times, arguments will arise that will lead to wastage of time. Workers who perform duties under influence of substances are also involved in unethical behaviors such as bullying and mishandling of equipments. You might have to bear increased cost of repairs and replacement of equipment and tools.

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