The Various Common Breastfeeding Problems That Moms Experience

By Kristen Baird

The joy of a couple is to have a child. However, it is not an easy task to bring up a child. There are many challenges that both parents face along the way. However, the mother faces more challenges than the father because she is the one spending more time with the child. The following are some of the common breastfeeding problems that they get. There are those issues that the moms can overcome by doing simple nursing practices. Other complications will need medical experts to treat you.

A young mother should make an effort of getting as much information as possible so that when such trouble comes along, she knows how to handle it. With the internet, there are sources that can give you the right information. For example when you notice that your nipples are becoming sore, you can Google and see what you can do to ease the pain. If they continue to pain, then call your doctor to come and treat you.

Cleanliness and proper hygiene should be observed by every mother. This is because the young one is likely to react against any germs that get to his skin or stomach. The hygiene should be observed such that the mother has to clean her breasts before and after the baby sucks them. If this is not adhered to, there is a risk of the mother contracting Yeast Infections.

Milk production is crucial because the baby needs it to survive. However, when it is too much, it makes the breasts enlarged. What follows is that the boobs start aching. To avoid this pain, you have to ask your caregiver to provide you with a breast pump. You will use the pump to express the extra milk that your body produces. If you do not understand how to use it, the doctor will willingly train you.

As you breastfeed, you may notice red pigments on the breasts. This is the symptom that comes before you suffer from blocked ducts. If this complication is not handled in good time, it leads to Mastitis. This causes milk not to stream out and it is very painful. Do not undermine these complications but instead visit the nearby clinic and get help.

If you notice that your breasts are not producing sufficient milk for your young one, you must seek help. You should also observe good eating habits. The other thing you can do is to breastfeed the baby more than before. These two techniques will lead to increase of milk production. However, if they fail to work, feel free to seek medical advice.

The foods that moms feed on are very important to the child and the health of their breasts. You must make sure that the foods you consume contain calcium and enough calories. You can consult a nutritionist to be issuing you the list of foods to eat each week

Just as there are foods that you need to add to your diet, there are those foodstuffs you should avoid as long as you are breastfeeding. These are alcohol and caffeine. If you have observed the above guidelines and you still have a problem, you need to let your doctor know about it.

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