Reduce Health Care Costs With Ameriplan MD Plus

By Della Monroe

The current cost of health care demands that patients carefully manage their costs to minimize the expense. Direct and quick access to qualified medical advice can help patients stay healthy. Consumers should not allow the high costs to jeopardize personal wellness. AmeriPlan MD Plus can help patients manage their health and the associated costs.

Over the past twenty years the company has developed telemedicine that provides access to care twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Modern technology allows for communication with doctors via email, phone or even video. Expensive and lengthy visits to the hospital emergency room can be greatly reduced or even eliminated.

When a person develops symptoms, he or she wants good medical advice as soon as possible. Often patients are required to wait a week or more to schedule an appointment to see their doctor. By the time the patient gets into the office, the treatment may no longer be needed. Yet a simple phone call to a qualified physician may immediately provide a diagnosis and treatment.

Employers have also been affected by the increasing costs of providing their employees with health insurance. High costs hit the bottom line in more ways than one. Absenteeism hurts employee productivity and can have many negative consequences to employers and their workers. Time saved when an employee is able to get quick assistance from a telemedicine phone consultation rather than sitting in a doctor's waiting room is good for all concerned.

This service is especially helpful to parents of small children. Parents often find that children suffering from a severe cold, ear ache or virus sometimes get worse at night. The worry factor alone can cause great distress for the mom or dad of a small child. What a relief and comfort to know that they can contact a physician on an urgent basis and get the help needed.

So called gatekeepers, also known as primary care physicians, may delay access to care. Direct contact with the appropriate specialist can get results much sooner. Most parents have faced the uncertainty of a child's high fever in the middle of the night. Talking to a doctor and telemedicine can help parents make informed decisions for their sick child.

Patients will not be put in contact with a doctor located in another country. The company has engaged a network of physicians who all reside in the States. These physicians have comprehensive knowledge of the system's electronic medical records and know how to use EMR. Due to this service, people with chronic diseases are free to travel as they wish with full access to health advice from anywhere in the United States.

The company provides its health care provides with continuing education to ensure they can effectively use the electronic records. Customer service is there to help callers with questions. Surveys that rate the doctors' performance assure that the physicians are accountable for the treatment provided. For a nominal monthly fee health care can be delivered with this streamlined method. Telemedicine makes sense.

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