Pesticide Use And Cancer

By Cliff Walsh

The U.S. agricultural market and chemical industry sells just under a billion pounds of insecticides and herbicides each year. The government allows this to happen despite knowing that farmers and those that apply pesticides, as well as factory workers at pesticide plants get cancer at significantly higher rates than those that do not work on farms or in chemical plants. Very little effort has been made, to date, by the government in order to get to the bottom of this crisis. Pesticides can also be found in our water.

Pesticides are used to kill or deter insects, weeds, fungus, bacteria, and animals. It is not a stretch to believe that the same chemicals used to kill insects and plants on our food could kill our cells once we ingest those chemicals. Carcinogenic chemicals are known to damage and even alter our DNA, due to the creation of free radicals that can accelerate the spread of cancerous cells.

Many of these dangerous chemicals are also fat soluble, meaning they can remain in our fat cells for years. I went through about two weeks of detox symptoms when I converted to an organic vegan diet. There were definitely chemicals hitting my blood stream. The most common symptom is a consistent headache.

There has been a tremendous amount of private research done over the years, which consistently shows the evidence that pesticides can cause cancer. In one study, over 50,000 U.S. farm workers were assessed for skin cancer. The results showed that the more time workers spent spraying certain chemicals, the higher the rate of cancer was. The group that was spent the most time spraying pesticides were more than 2.5x more likely to have skin cancer than those in the lowest group.

A study in Argentina recently showed a diverse range of cancer rates among its provinces that were highly correlated to the usage of pesticides. The instances of cancer were twice as high in some areas, compared to those will limited pesticide application. This is an appropriate study for Americans to consider as Argentina uses similar levels of pesticides as we do. The two countries, unfortunately, generate more than two-thirds of global GMO foods. Herbicides and insecticides are used heavily on genetically-modified crops.

Spend a few minutes looking over research on the internet and you can find well-respected doctors and university researchers connecting pesticides to a variety of different cancers.

I put little faith in the claims made by these chemical companies when they say their products don't harm us and that they are doing a public service by boosting food output. Without these pesticides, according to pesticide industry execs, we would all be starving right now. I find that hard to believe, particularly when remembering that a variety of previous industry products have been removed from the shelves because they were deemed carcinogenic, like DDT and PCBs.

Eat organic fruits and vegetables, at least those without hard shells or thick protective skins. While I don't recommend it, if you stick with foods doused with pesticides, wash and/or peel the skin. I also suggest you get a water filter for your drinking water.

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